which i guess it what a lot of my summer in chattanooga has been so far. really sweet moments in a place i called home for so many years. i love the person that i've become since i've lived in tuscaloosa but this past week i've come to cherish the experience that i had growing up here. i like that i can come back here and lay on a blanket in the park with my friends listening to their stories and remembering how cool they are. i like doing partner yoga with jo beth. i like buying strawberries with my mom to make smoothies with my dad. i like watching cavaliers games with my brother and painting my toenails with my sister.
i've written before how my homecoming has been an eery experience in which i am forced to reconcile who i am with the person i was when i left for school. but more and more i am just relishing the joy that this town and the people in it bring me. and i love that kristin can come and wander the halls of gps with me while i blubber about how much i loved mr. warren's ninth grade history class.
i guess i'm just feeling so grateful that i have so many homes and so many people to love.