Monday, September 15, 2008

more angst than necessary

I was snow white once
Like gossamer lace - 
The kind that trims the wedding gowns
I'll never afford.
e v a n g e l i c a l 

oh! what i mess i made. 
haphazardly forcing the shears 
no distinguishable patterns.
and then my clammy hands wadded up the fabric
i forced it into a malleable sphere. 
clenched and sticking to my moistened palm.
c o n t a i n a b l e

My fingers loosened. 
I relaxed my grip.
and it exploded. 

Thursday, September 11, 2008

ode to two men in booth at panera

a lesson in opposites perhaps?
one wears a business suit. laptop. ostentatious lapel pins. 
wire rim glasses. steaming cup of joe. 
meticulously groomed sideburns. 
white button down starched to crisp angular perfection.
the other one. white tee.
says he just ran.
probably not.